Thursday 29 January 2009

A few thoughts for today - Thursday 29th January 2009.

With all the uncertainty here in the UK with regards to the current climate, job cuts and the increasing cost of living - what can we do to improve the situation??

Who is to blame??

This is such an important question as the situation is literally destroying lots of families who are suffering from all that I have mentioned.

I want to blame the media - every day you hear the words credit crunch or economic downturn and this just adds fuel to the ever increasing fire of recession.

So what can you do to improve your situation right now?

Here area few ideas

1.Do not buy a newspaper,

2.Do not watch or listen to the news,

3.Do not discuss the negatives of the current situation with your family, friends , work collegues,

4.DO watch children's TV Designed for the under 5's as this will certainly give you a more positive demenour,

5.Skip about a bit - I am sorry you may look like a fool but look at the faces of those around you and notice how they smile - You have made their day,

6.Help people who look like they need help - bring back common courtesy! - open doors , let people pull out in their cars - remember my motto " Courtesy cost nothing but is worth Everything "

7.If you are out of work or have been laid off - consider going into business on your own! - with the power of the internet and cheap ways to promote and market your product , service or skillset (for example you do not need a website just a blog like this and a domain name - so cost could be as little as £15 a year!), 

I am willing to assist people in setting up an online business for NO INITIAL COST - So you have nothing to lose and when you are making a profit I will request a fee*

For Further information drop me an email to....

* Fees will be agreed between you and I after a structured plan has been setup and put into motion.

Now is the time to make a real difference - stand out from the crowd and say NO to becoming a sheep in the current economic climate.

You are unique and now is the time to prove it!

I hope these thoughts have got your mind thinking in a better and more positive direction.

If not - Good luck as you are really gonna need it - lol

Have a fantastic weekend.

Warmest Regards


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