Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Power of YES.

How many times are you asked to go to an engagement, visit relatives or do something different which is not your usual thing ?
How many times do you use these words " Maybe " & " Try " Do you know the word maybe and try just means NO but in a nicer way !
Think how many times you have been asked to do something and you have said either of those words and not gone, quite a few times I would expect.
There is a great book written by Danny Wallace called " Yes Man " where he spent months saying Yes where he would normally say no.
I am not saying you have to duplicate or copy this exactly, but try saying Yes more and see how many new experiences you have.
I can guarantee you it will be a challenge but one that is more worthwhile than just saying the usual No and doing what you do - day in / day out.

New Experiences bring new discoveries - Say Yes more this week and post your comments on what new things you learn.
Have a wonderful week.
Warmest Regards

Dr Rob - The Persuasionist.

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